About us

About Joan Bediz

 Nothing’s harder than being given your chance” …a quote that hangs in my studio and continues to revisit me as I take on the challenges required of this discipline. I try to look at the world with a sharp sensitivity, feeling a degree of compulsion and responsibility to put that information on canvas and paper as art. 

 Joan’s work is in many private, public and corporate collections.  She has received numerous awards on the national and local level.  


Rockport Art Association  
North Shore Art Association

Cambridge Art Association
Contributing member of the Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod
Rocky Neck Art Center


School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Cuba Program 2001
School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Venice Program 1999
Bennington College, Art New England
Scottsdale Artist School, Scottsdale, Az
Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, Ma 
Bachelor of Arts in Education, State University of New York, Oswego

Contact Information

Please contact Joan Bediz:



Joan Bediz Art

If you have questions and want to reach me then please contact me at 508-320-4184 or at joankbendiz@gmail.com. Thank you!